
The conference focusses on the manner in which professionals in educational assessment are adapting their work to the changing role of assessment in society. There are significant differences between the extent and level of assessment experience found in institutes responsible for educational measurement as well as between the professionals working within these institutes. These differences can be found in roles, in tradition, in type of tests or exams and in mode of delivery.  Some institutes  already have a long-standing tradition in the development of assessments, others have yet to start. Some are examining bodies, responsible for exam construction and administration, while others produce summative standardized tests for the teaching community. Some institutes  create formative assessments, others  carry out research in support of educational measurement. Some institutes have a long history of test development and started to digitalize their paper-based chains in order to improve efficiency, while others set out from scratch in the digital world.

One thing they all do have in common: they all have the ambition to serve education with assessment instruments fit for purpose and of high quality in an ever changing environment whilst at the same time anticipating future demands that will be put upon assessment.

What are the main features of this future assessment? And how can we adequately prepare for future assessment?